
Please Note...

The information provided is the most current information available at this time. However, the information still lags behind care that is provided in hospitals today. Science, recommendations and practices constantly are changing to ensure patients receive the best care possible. There are many factors to consider when selecting where you will receive care and who will provide that care. It is important that you visit with your physician and health care team about your care. Ask questions. The information provided on this website is intended to help you discuss your care with your provider. It should not determine where or who provides your care.

  • Please use this website as an added source of information, in addition to your personal physician’s advice.
  • The data that is reported on this website is data that is reported through hospital discharge data or chart-abstracted and submitted by the hospital. The data on the website includes important measures of care provided in the hospital, however is not all inclusive of their services.
  • To receive more specific information on services for yourself or a family member, please contact your hospital and/or health insurance provider directly.
  • In this report, the readmission data have been adjusted to increase the comparability of data. Some data is risk-adjusted to take into consideration the patient’s age, medical condition, Medicaid eligibility, and poverty. The data set is also risk-adjusted for only age and medical condition, similar to national standards. Lastly, a readmissions ratio that indicates the number of actual readmissions versus the expected number is displayed.

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