
About Focus On Hospitals

We believe in the power of information.

For more than 15 years, Missouri hospitals have been publishing hospital quality, community benefit and economic impact data online. Missouri hospitals were national leaders in the effort to publicly report infection data and hospital quality process measures. The effort continues to evolve and expand.

Focus on Hospitals is designed to help consumers explore pricing for participating hospital services, the quality of care delivered and how hospitals create value for the communities they serve. It’s a continuation of our conversation about improving hospital and health care and a commitment to the next step in helping consumers understand their health care services.

Focus on Hospitals is owned and maintained by the Missouri Hospital Association, an organization representing more than 140 Missouri hospitals.

How to use the site


Searching for Hospital-Specific Data

You can find data for a specific hospital by selecting “Find A Hospital” on the site’s top-navigation bar. You will then have the option to search by hospital name or ZIP code. Once you find the hospital you’re looking for, select the “View Hospital” button.

Once on your selected hospital page, you have the option to view quality, pricing or community data from the dropdown on the right side of the page above the table. If you’d like to view pricing data, filter by inpatient or emergency data. Furthermore, if you select inpatient data, filter your results by category.

To compare results, select the + sign next to “add a hospital” and search for a hospital. You can compare a different hospital by selecting the + sign again.


Participating Hospitals’ Data

Participating hospitals’ data can be found under “Hospital Data” on the site’s top-navigation. Similar to hospital-specific data, you can filter by price, quality and community data by using the dropdown above the table.


Chronic Conditions Maps

Chronic conditions maps also can be found under “Hospital Data” in the site’s top-navigation. You can select which map you’d like to view from the dropdown, and the map will auto-populate to display results.

Research has shown that, through transparency, hospitals can improve quality care related to readmissions and reducing harm by approximately 15 percent.