Cass Regional Medical Center
2800 E. Rock Haven Road | Harrisonville, MO 64701-4411
Hospital Data
Cass Regional Medical Center
Critical Access Hospitals' State Average
Reducing Harm
Lower is better
Lower is better
Major bedsores obtained during hospital stay
People who get a serious bedsore while in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
0.0 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
0.5 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Unexpected patient deaths during hospital stay
People who die unexpectedly while in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
0.0 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
0.0 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Falls with injury during hospital stay
People who fall and become injured while in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
0.8 per 1,000 discharges
Unadjusted rate
Unadjusted rate
0.2 per 1,000 discharges
Unadjusted rate
Unadjusted rate
Blood clots following surgery
People who get a blood clot after surgery
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
3.2 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
0.8 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Preventing Infection
Lower is better
Lower is better
Serious complications from infection following surgery
People who have serious complications from an infection following surgery
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
11.1 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
0.0 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Urinary tract infections among patients with a urine tube placed during hospital stay
People who get a urinary tract infection from a urine tube, which is used to drain the bladder, while in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Data Not Available
1.2 per 1,000 urinary catheter days
Unadjusted rate
Unadjusted rate
Bloodstream infections among patients with a tube placed in a vein during hospital stay
People who get an infection from a tube placed in a vein while in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Data Not Available
0.4 per 1,000 central line days
Unadjusted rate
Unadjusted rate
Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff) infections obtained during hospital stay
People who get sick from a germ obtained while in the hospital, which causes severe diarrhea, stomach pain and fever
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Data Not Available
0.2 per 10,000 patient days
Unadjusted rate
Unadjusted rate
Antibiotic resistant forms of staph infection obtained during hospital stay
People who get an infection while in the hospital caused by a type of bacteria that has become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Data Not Available
Not enough cases / does not provide services patient days
Unadjusted rate
Unadjusted rate
Managing Readmissions
Lower is better
Lower is better
Readmissions to the hospital within 30 days of leaving the hospital for any reason
People readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of when they were last in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
11.6% (of 1,401 cases during the last 36 months)
Age, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Age, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Readmissions to the hospital within 30 days of leaving the hospital for a serious lung infection
People readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of when they were last in the hospital for a serious lung infection (pneumonia)
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
14.2% (of 121 cases during the last 36 months)
Age, gender, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Age, gender, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Readmissions to the hospital within 30 days of leaving the hospital for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
People readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of when they were last in the hospital for long-term lung disease
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
17.1% (of 113 cases during the last 36 months)
Age, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Age, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Readmissions to the hospital within 30 days of leaving the hospital for congestive heart failure
People readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of when they were last in the hospital for a weak heart muscle
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
18.7% (of 31 cases during the last 36 months)
Age, gender, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Age, gender, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
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Please note that you are viewing quality data for a critical access hospital. Because of this, you can only compare quality data to other critical access hospitals. For a definition of a critical access hospital, please visit our FAQ page.
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