Mosaic Medical Center Maryville
2016 South Main Street | Maryville, MO 64468-2655
Hospital Data
Mosaic Medical Center Maryville
Averages include data from Missouri hospitals and service areas within the state's two metropolitan areas.
Reducing Harm
Lower is better
Lower is better
Major bedsores obtained during hospital stay
People who get a serious bedsore while in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
0.0 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
0.6 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Unexpected patient deaths during hospital stay
People who die unexpectedly while in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
0.0 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
0.3 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Falls with injury during hospital stay
People who fall and become injured while in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
0.0 per 1,000 discharges
Unadjusted rate
Unadjusted rate
0.3 per 1,000 discharges
Unadjusted rate
Unadjusted rate
Blood clots following surgery
People who get a blood clot after surgery
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
0.0 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
2.4 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Preventing Infection
Lower is better
Lower is better
Serious complications from infection following surgery
People who have serious complications from an infection following surgery
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Not Enough Cases
3.0 per 1,000 discharges
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Age, gender and medical condition adjusted
Surgical site infections following colon surgery
People who get an infection after colon surgery
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
SIR Not Calculated When Number Of Predicted Infections <1.0
Not enough cases / does not provide services
Standardized Infection Ratio
Standardized Infection Ratio
Urinary tract infections among patients with a urine tube placed during hospital stay
People who get a urinary tract infection from a urine tube, which is used to drain the bladder, while in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
SIR Not Calculated When Number Of Predicted Infections <1.0
Standardized Infection Ratio
Standardized Infection Ratio
Bloodstream infections among patients with a tube placed in a vein during hospital stay
People who get an infection from a tube placed in a vein while in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
SIR Not Calculated When Number Of Predicted Infections <1.0
Standardized Infection Ratio
Standardized Infection Ratio
Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff) infections obtained during hospital stay
People who get sick from a germ obtained while in the hospital, which causes severe diarrhea, stomach pain and fever
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
SIR Not Calculated When Number Of Predicted Infections <1.0
Standardized Infection Ratio
Standardized Infection Ratio
Antibiotic resistant forms of staph infection obtained during hospital stay
People who get an infection while in the hospital caused by a type of bacteria that has become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
SIR Not Calculated When Number Of Predicted Infections <1.0
Not enough cases / does not provide services
Standardized Infection Ratio
Standardized Infection Ratio
Surgical site infections following abdominal surgery to remove the uterus
People who get an infection after an abdominal surgery to remove the uterus
Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
SIR Not Calculated When Number Of Predicted Infections <1.0
Not enough cases / does not provide services
Standardized Infection Ratio
Standardized Infection Ratio
Managing Readmissions
Lower is better
Lower is better
Readmissions to the hospital within 30 days of leaving the hospital for any reason
People readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of when they were last in the hospital
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
11.4% (of 1,036 cases during the last 36 months)
Age, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Age, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Readmissions to the hospital within 30 days of leaving the hospital for a heart attack
People readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of when they were last in the hospital for a heart attack
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Not Enough Cases
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Readmissions to the hospital within 30 days of leaving the hospital for a serious lung infection
People readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of when they were last in the hospital for a serious lung infection (pneumonia)
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
14.1% (of 167 cases during the last 36 months)
Age, gender, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Age, gender, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Readmissions to the hospital within 30 days of leaving the hospital for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
People readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of when they were last in the hospital for long-term lung disease
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
16.7% (of 61 cases during the last 36 months)
Age, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Age, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Readmissions to the hospital within 30 days of leaving the hospital for congestive heart failure
People readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of when they were last in the hospital for a weak heart muscle
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
18% (of 86 cases during the last 36 months)
Age, gender, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Age, gender, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Readmissions to the hospital within 30 days of leaving the hospital for hip or knee replacement
People readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of when they were last in the hospital for hip or knee replacement
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
Not Enough Cases
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate
Select a Hospital
- Barnes-Jewish Hospital
- Barnes-Jewish Hospital Psychiatric
- Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital
- Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital
- Bates County Memorial Hospital
- Belton Regional Medical Center
- BJC Healthcare
- Boone Hospital Center
- Bothwell Regional Health Center
- Cameron Regional Medical Center Inc.
- Capital Region Medical Center
- Carroll County Memorial Hospital
- Cass Regional Medical Center
- Cedar County Memorial Hospital
- Center for Behavioral Medicine
- Centerpoint Medical Center
- CenterPointe Hospital
- CenterPointe Hospital of Columbia
- Children's Mercy Kansas City
- Christian Hospital
- Citizens Memorial Hospital
- Community Hospital - Fairfax
- Cox Barton County Hospital
- Cox Medical Center Branson
- Cox Monett Hospital, Inc.
- CoxHealth
- Ellett Memorial Hospital
- Excelsior Springs Hospital
- Fitzgibbon Hospital
- Freeman Health System
- Freeman Neosho Hospital
- Fulton Medical Center, LLC
- Fulton State Hospital
- Golden Valley Memorial Healthcare
- Hannibal Regional Hospital
- Harrison County Community Hospital
- Hawthorn Children's Psychiatric Hospital
- HCA Midwest Health System
- Heartland Behavioral Health Services
- Hedrick Medical Center
- Hermann Area District Hospital
- Iron County Medical Center
- Kindred Hospital Northland
- Kindred Hospital St. Louis
- Lafayette Regional Health Center
- Lake Regional Health System
- Lakeland Behavioral Health System
- Landmark Hospital of Cape Girardeau
- Landmark Hospital of Columbia
- Landmark Hospital of Joplin
- Lee's Summit Medical Center
- Liberty Hospital
- Long-Term Acute Care Hospital, Mosaic Life Care at St. Joseph
- Madison Medical Center
- Mercy Hospital Aurora
- Mercy Hospital Carthage
- Mercy Hospital Cassville
- Mercy Hospital Jefferson
- Mercy Hospital Joplin
- Mercy Hospital Lebanon
- Mercy Hospital Lincoln
- Mercy Hospital Perry
- Mercy Hospital South
- Mercy Hospital Southeast
- Mercy Hospital Springfield
- Mercy Hospital St. Louis
- Mercy Hospital Stoddard
- Mercy Hospital Washington
- Mercy Rehabilitation Hospital Springfield
- Mercy Rehabilitation Hospital St. Louis
- Mercy St. Francis Hospital
- Missouri Baptist Medical Center
- Missouri Baptist Sullivan Hospital
- Missouri Delta Medical Center
- Moberly Regional Medical Center
- Mosaic Life Care at St. Joseph Medical Center
- Mosaic Medical Center - Albany
- Mosaic Medical Center Maryville
- Nevada Regional Medical Center
- North Kansas City Hospital
- Northeast Regional Medical Center
- Northwest Missouri Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center
- Osage Beach Center for Cognitive Disorders
- Ozarks Medical Center
- Parkland Health Center - Farmington
- Pemiscot Memorial Health Systems
- Perimeter Behavioral Hospital of Springfield
- Pershing Memorial Hospital
- Phelps Health
- Pike County Memorial Hospital
- Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center
- Progress West Hospital
- Putnam County Memorial Hospital
- Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital
- Ray County Memorial Hospital
- Research Medical Center
- Royal Oaks Hospital
- Rusk Rehabilitation Hospital
- Saint Francis Medical Center
- Saint Luke's East Hospital
- Saint Luke's Health System
- Saint Luke's Hospital of Kansas City
- Saint Luke's North Hospital -- Barry Road
- Saint Luke's North Hospital -- Smithville
- Salem Memorial District Hospital
- Samaritan Hospital
- Scotland County Hospital
- Shriners Hospitals for Children
- Signature Psychiatric Hospital
- Southeast Missouri Mental Health Center
- SSM Health
- SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital
- SSM Health DePaul Hospital - St. Louis
- SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital
- SSM Health St. Clare Hospital - Fenton
- SSM Health St. Joseph Hospital - Lake Saint Louis
- SSM Health St. Joseph Hospital - St. Charles
- SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital - Jefferson City
- SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital - St. Louis
- St. Alexius Hospital, Broadway Campus
- St. Joseph Medical Center
- St. Louis Children's Hospital
- St. Louis Forensic Treatment Center - North
- St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center
- St. Luke's Des Peres Hospital
- St. Luke's Hospital
- St. Luke's Rehabilitation Hospital
- St. Mary's Medical Center
- Ste. Genevieve County Memorial Hospital
- Sullivan County Memorial Hospital
- Texas County Memorial Hospital
- The Rehabilitation Institute of St. Louis
- University Health Lakewood Medical Center
- University Health Truman Medical Center
- University of Missouri Health Care
- Washington County Memorial Hospital
- Western Missouri Medical Center
- Wright Memorial Hospital