Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital

11365 Dorsett Rd. | Maryland Heights, MO 63043-3411
The quality measures were selected based on agreement from Missouri providers and national organizations and experts. The measures chosen represent the primary goal of quality care — do no harm. Infections, falls and unnecessary hospitalization or unplanned readmission are areas hospitals strive to improve.

The data used for the quality data measures is patient hospital discharge data. This source was used to ensure consistent data sources from all providers. However, this data source is not perfect. It is recognized that other data sources and calculations could provide more accurate rates, at the hospital level. In particular, this source and method of calculation for infection rates may result in higher rates when calculated with more exact and sensitive data sources. These measures do not fully explain the level of quality care provided in a hospital. If you have questions, please talk to your care provider.

Please note some hospitals do not treat patients with these conditions and therefore may not have information displayed in some categories. Similarly, if there are not enough cases for a particular measure, the data can be misleading. Therefore, harm and infection information will only be shown if there are at least 25 cases per 12-month reporting period. Readmission information will be displayed if a hospital has at least 25 cases in the three-year reporting period. If a hospital does not have the minimum amount of cases required, their data will not be displayed. In addition, only acute care hospitals are required to submit infection data to the National Healthcare Surveillance Network. Hospitals that are not required to submit will not have data displayed.

Because different patient populations have different health outcomes, simply comparing the number or percentage of some quality measures will not provide an accurate comparison. To make a more accurate comparison, some measures are “adjusted.” This is a common statistical step so that comparison may be similar. However, even adjusting the data cannot guarantee an identical comparison of “apples to apples.” Read the methodology report for risk adjustment for sociodemographic status in 30-day hospital readmissions.

Measures calculated from time periods including data on or after October 1, 2015 display rates using provisional methodology. This methodology has been tested at the state level, however, has not been nationally tested or approved.

Understanding the Data

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What data would you like to see?

Hospital Data
Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital
Pediatric Hospitals' State Average
Preventing Infection
Lower is better
Urinary tract infections among patients with a urine tube placed during hospital stay People who get a urinary tract infection from a urine tube, which is used to drain the bladder, while in the hospital

Reporting Date:
Data Not Available
1.1 per 1,000 urinary catheter days
Unadjusted rate
Bloodstream infections among patients with a tube placed in a vein during hospital stay People who get an infection from a tube placed in a vein while in the hospital

Reporting Date:
1.9 per 1,000 central line days
Unadjusted rate
1.2 per 1,000 central line days
Unadjusted rate
Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff) infections obtained during hospital stay People who get sick from a germ obtained while in the hospital, which causes severe diarrhea, stomach pain and fever

Reporting Date:
Data Not Available
2.4 per 10,000 patient days
Unadjusted rate
Antibiotic resistant forms of staph infection obtained during hospital stay People who get an infection while in the hospital caused by a type of bacteria that has become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections

Reporting Date:
Data Not Available
Not enough cases / does not provide services patient days
Unadjusted rate
Managing Readmissions
Lower is better
Readmissions to the hospital within 30 days of leaving the hospital for any reason People readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of when they were last in the hospital

Reporting Date:
Most Recent Quarter Reporting Date:
4.5% (of 401 cases during the last 36 months)
Age, medical condition and poverty adjusted rate
Most recent 36-months unadjusted rate


This is one of a handful of hospitals in the country that provide rehabilitation and subacute medical treatment for children. The patient demographic is different from that of a typical children’s hospital and thus might not provide an reasonable comparison. Data should therefore be interpreted with great caution when comparing with other pediatric hospitals.

Select a Hospital

Please note that you are viewing quality data for a pediatric hospital. Because of this, you can only compare quality data to other pediatric hospitals. For a definition of a pediatric hospital, please visit our FAQ page.
  • Children's Mercy Kansas City
  • Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital
  • Shriners Hospitals for Children
  • SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital
  • St. Louis Children's Hospital